I am beginning to get some uneasy feelings that some of the leadership in the Democratic Party, especially some of those in either of the houses of Congress, did not see their overwhelming victory in November as a mandate for change, only a mandate for a transfer of power.

As President-elect Obama begins to put forward his agenda of real change, some of the crustaceous legislators and party pundits have begun to dig in their heels, looking almost like Republicans. It would seem that they only wanted to be the party in power, not the party of paradigmatic changes as our country attempts to move into a more creative, more inclusive 21st century.
I think it is time to say to all of those who battled the old battles as leadership in both houses, "thanks, but it is time for you to step down." And then people who did not base their careers on being over-and-against the Republican majority and who embrace a bigger picture should be brought into leadership. And that new leadership needs to be open, radically open, to what President Obama will propose - not following without questions, but proceeding faithful or optimistically in concert with eyes wide open.
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